Wednesday 1 September 2010

Successful partnerships

Who are these guys?
Any ideas?

(Here's a hint...they know a fair bit about computers ...hehe!)

This is a photograph of Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard taken at the garage where they started their electronics business way back in the middle of the last century.

They flipped a coin to see if their modest little company should be called Packard-Hewlett or the now globally famous brand of Hewlett-Packard!

The rest, as they say,
is history!

Click here to watch a short video about the Hewlett-Packard story. As you watch, answer these questions:
1 Which university did Bill and Dave attend?
2 When did they start their company?
3 What was the name of their first product?
4 Who did they sell it to?
5 Which film was the product used in?
6 What kind of values was the company built on?
7 What are Bill and Dave handing out in the photograph?
8 What three elements came together to form this "marriage"?
9 What is the typical annual revenue of the company?
10 Which two areas of business does the company focus on today?

Now, click here to read about this and other successful partnerships. Click on the photographs at the bottom of the page and read about the 10 other famous partnerships. Do some further research on one of these partnerships and prepare a one minute presentation to give to the class.You may choose another successful partnership if you wish but check with your teacher first!

Have fun with your research and good luck with your presentations!
