Tuesday 27 April 2010

Your Dream Job!

If you could choose any job in the world, what would it be?

Some people's jobs seem too good to be true. They're more like holidays than jobs!

For a list of Top 10 jobs,
click here. Read the short texts about each job and decide which one you would choose and why. Make a note of any new vocabulary and check in the meaning in the "askoxford" dictionary link opposite.

Also, what is you answer to the title question?

Write your ideas in the comments section below, stating which personal characteristics would be required for your dream job.

Remember to use some of the vocabulary from page 16 of the course book.

Dream on!


Monday 26 April 2010

The Landlady

Roald Dahl
Have you got your KISS KISS reader yet? If not, don't worry. CLICK HERE to go to the British Council/BBC website where you can read the text of 'The Landlady' online.

There are some pre-reading attachments on this website which you can do by yourself. These are at the bottom of the webpage and are marked (pdf). You can work through them online and ask your teacher to help you if you have any questions.
You can also listen to the story being read! Just sit back, close your eyes and enjoy listening to the story. Alternatively, you may want to follow the text as you listen. You choose!
What do think about online activites? How do feel about working on your own? Is this better than doing a worksheet in class? What do YOU think? Tell us how you feel about it by writing a comment below.

Remember, you have to register before you can make a comment. Just follow the simple instructions by clicking on the COMMENTS icon. Have fun!

Saturday 17 April 2010

The Interactive Phonemic Chart

Here is a link to the interactive phonemic chart.
Just click here to open the chart then click on the sound you want to practice.
Tell us what you think! Make a comment! Have fun!
Also, to find more hot tips on pronunciation from the excellent
BBC "Learning English" site, click here.
Remember... phonemics are our friends!

Thursday 15 April 2010

Our Jamie!

We love you, Jamie!
We just can't get enough of Jamie Oliver. He's like our new best friend!
Hopefully, you have already watched his INTERVIEW with Parkinson and answered the questions on the hand out which your teacher gave you.
Now its time to sit back and enjoy Jamie's funky "Lamb Curry" song! Click HERE to see Jamie singing and dancing his way through his recipe for Lamb Curry.
Ask your teacher for a copy of the lyrics and sing along!!!

For the latest BBC News about Jamie Oliver's healthy eating programme, click here.