Wednesday 26 May 2010

What a party!


During the bicentennial celebrations 9 de Julio became one giant party space and Argentina certainly knows how to throw a party! There were was so much going on, it was difficult to choose which events to go to.

Were you there? Which parts did you like best and why? How would you sum up the bicentennial celebrations in one sentence ... yes, ONE sentence!

It's amazing how much you can say with a few well chosen words!
Write your sentence in the comments box below.

Friday 21 May 2010



Science has made progress in explaining many of the great mysteries of the past but there are still many more mysteries which still have no scientific explanantion.

What do you think?

Do you believe in paranormal phenomena or do you think there is a rational explanation for everything?

To read a review of Judy Allen's bestseller "Unexplained",
click here. What do you think of this review? What does the reviewer like about this book? What language does the reviewer use to describe his negative opinions? How does the writer draw the reader into the review? According to the reviewer, what age-group is the book aimed at? Does it make you want to buy the book?
Write your comments below.

Have you seen the movie Paranormal Activity? The film was a global success and a sequel, Paranormal Activity 2, was released in 2010. A further sequel, Paranormal Activity 3, is now in production and is scheduled to be released later this year.

Click here
to watch the trailer for the original movie warned...
it's sc-c-c-scary!
... BOO!!!

Thursday 20 May 2010

Mysteries of the Unexplained

For as long as I can remember, I've been fascinated by the supernatural and things unexplained. As a teenager, I would read loads of accounts of demonic possession, UFO sightings, cattle mutilations, spontaneous combustion....

The closest I've actually come in real life to a supernatural experience was when I was about 14 years old. I had a wind-up jewelery box in my room, on the shelf on the wall. I hadn't wound it in years and was nowhere near it at the time when suddenly it started to play! I thought it was a little strange so I mentioned it to my mum, who told me that it had belonged to my grandmother and that very day was the anniversary of her death!

So, have you had any close encounters or any experiences that seem to defy logical explanation? Please share them with us here. If you have any theories regarding my grandmother's jewelery box, I'd be interested to hear them.


Tuesday 4 May 2010

Bi-centennial Celebrations

1810 - 2010

As we approach the 25th May in this bi-centennial year, many people are asking themselves what it means to be Argentinian.

How do you feel about Argentina today?
What kind of image does Argentina have in the world? Is life improving for the people of Argentina? How optimistic are you for the future of your country?

You can write down your thoughts and feelings and send them to your teacher's email for a new display to celebrate the bi-centennial. You only need to write about 100 words. Also, choose an image which you feel represents Argentina and attach it to your email so that it can be part of the display.

You can, of course, make a comment here on the blog telling us how you feel about having a bi-centennial display and how you intend to celebrate this special day.
