Wednesday 26 May 2010

What a party!


During the bicentennial celebrations 9 de Julio became one giant party space and Argentina certainly knows how to throw a party! There were was so much going on, it was difficult to choose which events to go to.

Were you there? Which parts did you like best and why? How would you sum up the bicentennial celebrations in one sentence ... yes, ONE sentence!

It's amazing how much you can say with a few well chosen words!
Write your sentence in the comments box below.


  1. It was the party of the century!

  2. I didn`t really go to any of the celebrations that took place here in cap. fed., but I did see a bit if the colon`s re-opening and I thought that it was pretty amazing and as I was told, it was spectacular compared to the one done by the government on plaza de mayo (on the cabildo). Also I`d like to add that our president didn`t even show up at the colon for e.g., that is a shame and only shows even more which is the reality in this country, prefering to keep up the fight even though it was the bi-centennial; well, she showed even more as what she really is: everything but intelligent. luckily, people seemed to enjoy a lot this unique celebration! and thats good
    "a celebration reflecting people`s spirit"
    juan ma lisa

  3. I didn't take part in the bicentenary celebration, so i can't really choose what i enjoy the most.

    to sum up it i would say
    -It was a great opportunity to be in a positive mood, something we can be proud of.

  4. I was planning to go to the reopening of the Colon theatre but it was very overcrowded. However, I saw the celebrations on tv and I got astonished, especially with the reopening.

    To my mind, if I had to choose one sentence to sum up the bicentennial celebration, I would say:
    It proves that if we make an effort, the future can be golden for Argentina.

  5. I didn't go to the celebration so i can't choose something that i like. However, i saw some parts on tv and i think it was incredible.

    If i had to choose one sentence to sum up this huge party i would say "It's a moment to feel proud of being argentinian".

  6. I went to 9 de Julio Avenue on Monday 24th, during the day. It was incredibly crowded! However, I enjoyed seeing the decorations and the little places where each province was represented.
    Unfortunately, I wasn't able to go to the final parade, thpugh I watched it on television and I thought it was very well done.

  7. I didn´t really go to the Bi-centennial celebrations.
    To sum up:
    Political differences pollute historical celebrations.

  8. ¨It was an unforgettable experience!!¨

    And I’m going to explain or at least I’ll do my best to clarify, why I selected this sentence.
    It was an amazing party in which you could share patriotic and moving feeling with an enormous number of people; you could also feel the festivity and happiness in the air.
    I would like to add some words to the sentence:
    I went to some of the celebration parties; on Friday I went to the fortieth anniversary of national rock which I found it astonishing because music and this one particularly is for me a passion, so I had a great time with those beautiful songs. I think it was a great idea opening such an important party with a tribute to national rock music because it makes me compare how musicians fought for making that type of music succeed, which at that time some people thought it was unthinkable, and in 1810 how they fought for doing the unthinkable that was being independent.
    On Monday I went to the Colon’s reopening which I felt had a huge effect for those who love music and when they played short parts of songs like the ¨Aranjuez Concert¨ and ¨Ave Maria¨ was absolutely wonderful. I don’t really have the words to explain what I felt.
    And the most thrilling moment was at the very end of the whole party when Fito Paez & friends sang the hymn, and a friend of mine and I started hugging unknown people and finish being 3 or 4 lines of fifteen people each throughout all the song, singing with a tear on ours eyes.
    Well this is how the bicentennial party will live in my memory, I hope you like it and it would be great if we could all remember it as a happy party for Argentine society although our politicians can’t get together on such an important festivity for the country and that this is not the best time for our country either. But helps us to raise our awareness and remember what we are, what we have, what we need, where we are going as a country and as a society, or if we really work as one or not.

  9. During the bicentennial celebrations 9 de Julio, I wasnt there. Anyway, I spent a great time at home with my family remembering the time we spent together, as people who lives in Argentina, with freedom. Nevertheless, we were able to watch the tv and enjoy the hole celebrations, which were amazing, I wouldnt have ever thought that the govenment could have done it that incredible. The lights, the flags, the songs, reminded us to be what we are, women or men, all argentinian people, who lives the same things everyday, enjoys, cryes, and try to help each other.
    I will always remember this 200 years birthday, and never forget why are we celebrating.
