Tuesday 4 May 2010

Bi-centennial Celebrations

1810 - 2010

As we approach the 25th May in this bi-centennial year, many people are asking themselves what it means to be Argentinian.

How do you feel about Argentina today?
What kind of image does Argentina have in the world? Is life improving for the people of Argentina? How optimistic are you for the future of your country?

You can write down your thoughts and feelings and send them to your teacher's email for a new display to celebrate the bi-centennial. You only need to write about 100 words. Also, choose an image which you feel represents Argentina and attach it to your email so that it can be part of the display.

You can, of course, make a comment here on the blog telling us how you feel about having a bi-centennial display and how you intend to celebrate this special day.



  1. How can a country grow if its governors are corrupt and not committed to the people? How can it grow if poverty is the principal characteristic of its great cities? If we want to grow we ask ourselves this and many more questions and find a solution to this problems.
    Alejo and Andrés.

  2. Living in Argentina today is such a grate thing. Most of argentinian people forget the meaning of living here, in a country that its growing up everyday little by little, even in difficult times. In my opinion, I have got an optimistic view of the future, as we know we can make it better.
    At the bi-centennial celebration day, I dont really know what im going to do, I would rather prefer to remember what we are celebrating and what it actually means, having our freedom.

  3. I believe that Argentina has the materials to be a better place, but it lacks the people to use those materials for good purposes. It doesn't have a really good image in the world because of several things, like corruption, but I'm positive that in some future, someone is going to lead us in the good way.
    In this bi-centennial we could take the opportunity to reflect on this.

  4. We believe Argentina is one of the most beautiful countries, there are lots of different landscapes we can enjoy here.
    We don't think Argentina has the best image in the world because there are lots of problems in the country that makes it diffcult to improve.
    Although Argentina has lots of positive points, they are not taken in consideration, but we have an optimistic point of view.

    Martin & Lucia

  5. The truth is that we are not a very important country in the world, is not so much recognised by the most important countries.

    Some positive aspects are we have a great sports succes, for exmple, Maradona in football and Ginobilli in basketball. Another pro is that we are one of the most important country in exporting soja in the world.

    We are not so omptimistic about the our future as a member of the argentinian society, beacuase our goberment is not so democratic and federal, as it should be. But we have some spectatives that all this bad things can be improve.

    mechi and axel

  6. I do think that celebrating this bi-centenary is very important to keep strong the spirit of people. Despite the fact that Argentina is not a really good example of a country, sure it is a terrific example of a nation, in terms of the spirit of the people and all their achievements in several areas (such as literature, sports, etc.)

  7. i'm not really enthusiastic about the bi-centennial of argentina..
    i love living here and i'm optimistic about the future, i hope some day the goverment will change and would help to solve the actual society problems.

  8. The bi-centenary of argentina makes me think 2 things: first that celebrating this anniversary is important to give people hope to keep going on these difficult days; and secondly as an argentinian i am, i like this country very much but, as many people had already said, i'm not so enthusiastic about our future because as days pass throught the country has more problems and i do not see how the government is trying to solve them.
    Perhaps some day the government changes, and all these problems come to a solution. i hope that to happen soon.

  9. i'm optimistic about the future, and i am proud of beeing argentinian.

  10. i think the progect is good to remind people the importance of being an argentinian.

  11. We think it's a great idea for International House to care about our country and the bi-centennial. We hope this project helps people understand more about the history of Argentina

  12. I think that it is a great idea!! because we can start thinking about the past, present and future of our country. It will take me a lot of time so I think that it will be a very nice and though homework to do at home.

  13. I'm confident that this bi-centennial is a turning point that should help us as a sociaty to reflect on the things that are wrong and we definetelly need to change to be a better country and to have a better future.

  14. In my opinion is very important to remember and celebrate this kind of dates. The best way of doing that is thkinkig about the real meaning of the date. Whay do we celebrate this date? Is it only a holiday or is something more? The bi-centennary is a good chance to think about us and aour future as a nation. If we could work togheter to create this country we would be able to improove it. As a consecuence, our lifes will be better.

  15. I have a quite intensive feeling about Argentina and also about living here: My Mother´s and my Father´s families came from Europe, escaping from the war, the hunger and the discrimination.
    My father, who came from Poland, was very grateful that our country let them in... It moved me a lot...
    As Argentine and I we both celebrate our birthday in the some month, I guess we can celebrate it toghether !!!!

  16. I find this activity very very intersting,a little dificult too.It forces us to think right the moment the question is made.More,I would like to have to do the same exercice every week.So we can get used to doing it.

  17. My opinion The images that Argentina gives to other countries aré mostly sportive. People in Argentina complains about mostly everything but what they don't know is that the situation is not as bad a it looks.

  18. I hear people everyday complaining about this country's situation, and making comparisons with other countries, but what we're not getting is that it's that precise neccesity of criticizing Argentina that's making it go down. We really need to stop saying things like "everyone is corrupt here" or "European countries are so much better, this country is awful", and start seeing our home from it's qualities.
