Tuesday 31 August 2010

The Annoying Orange

Since his first appearance on youtube in October 2009, the Annoying Orange has gone viral with around 150 million views worldwide. What is it that makes this infuriating little character so endearing? Love him or hate him, it seems like the Annoying Orange and his pals might be around for a while.
But what do you think? Let us know whether you think he's funny, if you have a particular favourite episode and why the hell he is so popular.

Here's what Lisa's class thinks:

I really love the Annoying Orange because its humour is sometimes acid and others cruel and I think people love it. Its annoying voice and way of treating the other characters I believe are the main reasons that make people watch it over and over again and laugh each time they watch any video of the Annoying Orange. I personally think that lately, the new episodes aren’t as fun as the older ones but I still spend a great deal of time watching them.

Alejandro Vinué

The annoying orange is not funny at all. I hate it. It’s everything but annoying. It’s so stupid that you can’t even get annoyed or angry like the fruits in the videos, and the orange s so lame with it’s solitary life in the small kitchen.

Mica and Nacho

In my opinion, the annoying orange is very funny because it has a lot of creativity using fruits that have voices. It’s great to watch how the orange annoys the other fruits with his comical laugh. I think that those videos are very popular because people are not used to that type of humour and the best thing is that you have hundreds of videos from the annoying orange. Personally I’ve only watched a few episodes due tothe fact that I think it's a waste of time, as every video last on average ten minutes.
Tony Kaminker

My own opinion: I think that the annoying orange is a very creative and original series. Nevertheless it became clear that, in order to keep making one episode per week, the lack of imagination would be evident. New episodes aren’t about encounters of the orange with other vegetables and fruits, but with movie characters such as the villain of Saw. Anyway nothing prevents you from laughing about the silly jokes :P
Matias Dwek


  1. In my opinon, the annoying orange is a cheap and creative way to entretain people from all ages. It generates addiction in people.. you cant watch only onhe chapter!!!

  2. It´s a very strange and innovative way of entertaining people: adding eyes, mouth and such an annoying way of speaking and communicating.

    I find this character very funny, but I can´t stop thinking about the poor Cabbage being "stabbed in the back" as she said before dying.

  3. I like the annoying orange (sometimes i hate it because you know... it can get really annoying)and i like the stupid shokes about food and that staff. My favourite episode is the one of the apple and the one of the banana.
