Thursday 5 August 2010

Conspiracy theories


Have we really been to the Moon?

The first Moon-landing took place on 20th July 1969. Neil Armstrong set foot on the Moon with the famous words...

"One small step for a man,
One giant leap for mankind."

However, some people think the Moon-landing was a hoax; that we have never been to the Moon and that the whole thing was filmed in a studio!

What do you think?
Have we really been to the Moon or is it all a conspiracy? Most people have seen the blurry images of Neil Armstrong's first steps on the Moon but maybe he was never on the Moon at all. Click here to watch a video of what might be the real story behind the Moon-landings.

Do you think the video is genuine? Why would anyone go to all the trouble to dream up such an elaborate hoax?

What other conspiracy theories do you know about? How likely are they to be hoaxes? Write your comments below using modals of possibility, speculation and deduction from page 50 of the Coursebook!


  1. There are many things sceptic people used and still use as arguments to say that this is a hoax; for example, a flag can`t wave in vaccum. Also, that in on of the pictures that had been taken, yo see 2 shadows, one from the spaceship and another from some rocks, both shadows are not ponting towards the same direction (aren`t parllel) , as it`d usually happens when the sun hits 2 objects. These people call the moon landing as the conspiracy, the theory of the conspiracy I think it was. I believe we really got to the moon, and all the arguments against it had been proved to be false, as in the famous TV show "The Mythbusters", in fact, check this video and if you want to see more, just download or look for the episodes (I think they did another episodes due to emails the fans sent), they tested porbably...5 specific details that clearly made the moon landing a hoax, guess what, were all false! some of the other arguments were: the footprint picture (how could it look so good if there`s no humidity in the moon), the moon walking scenes (could`ve been filmed in slow motion)or the one about the atronaut not afected by a shadow (he should look dark but he is perfectly visible).

  2. I think its a good idea to put the links here, just copy and paste (there are more, just search them):

  3. To my mind, human kind never set foot on the moon. There are many arguments both in favor and against this topic, but, I believe that the arguments against the moon-landing overwhelm the ones in favor. Apart from that, is illogical that after 40 years of progress in the field of astronautics we haven't sent any other expedition like that one.

  4. I saw that chapter of the Mythbusters, and I think that people just invent things because they want to disturb. Those photos couldn´t have been made without the modern technology or it would have been extremely difficult.
    And also, thinking about the Cold War, it would have been a severe problem for the USA on the international context IF the Soviet Union had proved that those photos were fake. I don´t think that the USA would have taken that risk.

  5. I am convinced that the US landed on the moon, yet another expedition woldn`t be necessary because there`s no cold war and that means that there`s no competition related to technology of any kind, In fact, that progress in those fields mean that they can study planets or even the moon without sending people and risk them, but sending robots like that little car I cant remeber its name; or even study other planets without even leaving the earth. As I said, US is not compiting with the urss, which doesnt exist any more, so they dont need to beat anyone to the moon, but they make research and advance on military warfare for example because thats the actual issue, resources in irak or afghanistan, there`s the war and doesnt include the moon. Thats why they didnt sent another space ship there, won`t useful to their economical interests for example
