Tuesday 10 August 2010

Gapped sentences

Unit 3B page 51

Gapped Sentences


Welcome to the wonderful world of CAE Gapped Sentences. These appear in Part 4 of the Use of English paper and can sometimes be a bit frustrating!

There is, of course, a strategy to help us to find the right answers and this strategy is on page 170 of the Coursebook.

Read the task strategy on page 170 then click here for lots of practice of CAE Gapped Sentences.

Don't end up like the guy in the picture... stay cool, calm and collected.
"If you don't know the answer, listen to your heart.
If your heart doesn't tell you ... GUESS!

What do you think of Gapped Sentences? Write your comments below!
Have fun! ... Andy


  1. It is very useful to practice if you have the enough time.

  2. I will definitely need more exercises to practise this part of the Use of English.

  3. I think that Gapped Sentences are very challenging. Morover,they are entertaining if you get the answer quickly but are irritating and frustrating when five (or more) minutes have passed and nothing comes to mind...

    I consider that this kind of activities give us new tools and tips to get better results!!! Thanks!

  4. This exercises are really useful for practicing! I tryed some of this exercises and they were kind of difficultt..
